
We are a group of leaders whose only agenda is to help each other succeed. Our members face the same challenges, just at different times. Getting advice from others who have “been there, done that” keeps our members from having to make every mistake themselves. Getting perspective and feedback from a diverse group of peers who face similar issues increases your confidence in making major business decisions. We strongly believe that whoever learns from the most brains fastest, wins. Getting best practices from real world examples will transform and revitalize your company. The role of the group is to listen without judgment and tell you what you need to hear. Being part of a leadership group will take your life to the next level.

We utilize the Gazelles growth model and focus on its four pillars of growth: People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash. We guide you through developing your company’s strategic goals and five quarterly priorities. Your peer group will then help you to implement these strategies and hold you accountable for making progress. We are all about continuous improvement.

If you are chosen to be a member of this group by your peers, it is because they believe you to be a leader in your particular activity and, more particularly, because they believe that you manifest those qualities of head and heart that will enable you to achieve the next level. While membership is an honor and a privilege, it does involve duties and obligations, which should be discharged by you with faithfulness and cheerfulness. Service is the key word, and your regular attendance at our monthly meetings and participation in group activities will be evidence to us of your continued interest and zeal. Only circumstances which cannot be reasonably controlled are accepted as an excuse for absence, for only busy people are members of this group.